This website is developped by Le Château de Saint-Mesmin, located at the followed adress :
Syndicat Mixte du Château de Saint-Mesmin
Lieu-dit La ville
79380 Saint-André-sur-Sèvre
Téléphone : 05 49 80 17 62
The Château de Saint-Mesmin's website is hosted by the company OVH,
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
The Château de Saint-Mesmin's graphic design is perform by the studio Univers'elles,
The Château de Saint-Mesmin's web development is perform by Nexti,
36 avenue Victor Leclerc
79103 Thouars Cédex
Photos credits: Eric NICOLAS, Amélie MATHE, Caroline TORRES FROMETA
The personal information requested on this site , including through information requests are handled exclusively by us.
According to the regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the protection of the physical persons towards the personal data processing and concerning the free circulation of these data (GDPR) in force since May 25th, 2018, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you , which you can exercise by contacting :
Syndicat Mixte du Château de Saint-Mesmin
Lieu-dit La ville
79380 Saint-André-sur-Sèvre
or online at the following page :
You can also , for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data.
The Château de Saint Mesmin is committed to protecting the privacy of its visitors and Internet users
in compliance with the regulations in force and in particular the law known as "Informatique et
Libertés" n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended and the General Data Protection Regulation
The information collected from the forms of the various online procedures is subject to computer
processing intended to respond to requests from Internet users on our site
Our objective is to inform the persons concerned of the way in which their personal data are collected and processed by the Château de Saint Mesmin. Where appropriate, the non-mandatory nature of the data you may be asked to provide is indicated on the collection forms by an asterisk. In the absence of answer, the castle of Saint Mesmin will not be able to treat your request.
The collected data are then transmitted to the competent services, according to the needs and the request. Please note that they will not be transmitted to a third party (except for prior information to the contrary, and express agreement of the Internet user).
As part of our online services, please consult our general terms of sale:
For any information on the management of your accounts (subscriptions, newsletters, etc. ...), or to unsubscribe, you can send us your request: Or write to us: Château Saint Mesmin, lieudit La ville, 79380 Saint André sur sèvre In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1978, as amended, and the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD 2016/679), the Château de Saint Mesmin has appointed a data protection officer with whom you can exercise your rights regarding your personal data. You can send your request (with proof of your identity):
- By email: to the attention of the data protection officer:
- Or by post: to the attention of the data protection officer: Château Saint Mesmin, lieudit La ville,79380 Saint André sur sèvre
To learn more about the regulations and the rights and duties that result from them, we invite you to consult the CNIL website:
The User acknowledges that the content of this site and the elements of any kind and whoever they are who make up the ownership of the Castle of Saint -Mesmin and are protected by law and French law concerning the law of intellectual property as well as by international conventions and that any copy , reproduction, distribution , sale or exploitation , whatever the process and whatever the purpose is strictly prohibited. Any person infringing this prohibition shall assume civil and criminal liability and may be prosecuted on the basis of infringement.
Only still permitted to use only privately and for non-commercial purposes .
Wherever possible, the Joint Association of Saint-Mesmin Castle before release ensures the sincerity and good compliance of messages and materials on its website. It provides in that regard that an obligation of means and can not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information and content of its site.
It does not guarantee the quality of products , information or any other elements whatsoever presented , purchased or obtained as the result of an advertisement or any other information or offer included in direct or indirect relation with its website .
In no way , the Union of the Joint Castle of Saint-Mesmin can not be considered as a partner or intermediary in any possible economic or other relationship , can be tied directly or indirectly between the user and an advertiser.
The Château du Syndicat Mixte de Saint- Mesmin in its capacity as owner of the site reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without obligation, to delete , improve or correct all or part of its services or extras elements its site. It does not guarantee that the services of its site will be provided without interruption or error , or that any defects will be corrected. There is also no warranty and accepts no responsibility in case of viruses or any other elements that could be harmful to the user.
The user who was invited to read this notice before consulting the site is presumed to be fully informed of this warning and accede unconditionally.
It is not necessary to make a prior request to set up a hyperlink pointing area or directly to its pages.
However, this freedom is part of the recommendations and uses of the Internet in particular :
- does not include the right to reproduce the contents to make this link
- is not granted to broadcasting media polemic ,
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- is not given to sites integrating the site inside the pages of another site (through frames, frames , etc.)
- does not apply to downloadable documents (PDF , files , images and videos )
The presence and implementation of hypertext links to other sites does not constitute a guarantee on the quality of contents and proper functioning of said sites . The responsibility of the Joint Association of the Castle of Saint-Mesmin shall not be liable for the content and information , services and products that the user could find on the site having been the subject of a hypertext link from the Site castle of Saint -Mesmin . The user must use this information with the usual precautions .